

Thttpd源程序解析17 thttpd请求处理really_start_request函数

























static int really_start_request( httpd_conn* hc, struct timeval* nowP )
 static char* indexname;
 static size_t maxindexname = 0;
 static const char* index_names[] = { INDEX_NAMES };
 int i;
#ifdef AUTH_FILE
 static char* dirname;
 static size_t maxdirname = 0;
#endif /* AUTH_FILE */
 size_t expnlen, indxlen;
 char* cp;
 char* pi;
 expnlen = strlen( hc->expnfilename );
 /* Stat the file. */
 * 并对于有错误的文件进行错误处理
 * 对于正确的文件将文件的信息写入hc->sb中*/
 if ( stat( hc->expnfilename, &hc->sb ) < 0 )
 httpd_send_err( hc, 500, err500title, "", err500form, hc->encodedurl );
 return -1;
 /* Is it world-readable or world-executable? We check explicitly instead
 ** of just trying to open it, so that no one ever gets surprised by
 ** a file that's not set world-readable and yet somehow is
 ** readable by the HTTP server and therefore the *whole* world.
 * 返回错误信息
 if ( ! ( hc->sb.st_mode & ( S_IROTH | S_IXOTH ) ) )
 syslog(LOG_INFO,"%.80s URL \"%.80s\" resolves to a non world-readable file",httpd_ntoa( &hc->client_addr ), hc->encodedurl );
 httpd_send_err(hc, 403, err403title, "",ERROR_FORM( err403form, "The requested URL '%.80s' resolves to a file that is not world-readable.\n" ),hc->encodedurl );
 return -1;
 /* Is it a directory? */
 if ( S_ISDIR(hc->sb.st_mode) )
 /* If there's pathinfo, it's just a non-existent file. */
 * 返回错误信息
 if ( hc->pathinfo[0] != '\0' )
 httpd_send_err( hc, 404, err404title, "", err404form, hc->encodedurl );
 return -1;
 /* Special handling for directory URLs that don't end in a slash.
 ** We send back an explicit redirect with the slash, because
 ** otherwise many clients can't build relative URLs properly.
 if ( strcmp( hc->origfilename, "" ) != 0 &&strcmp( hc->origfilename, "." ) != 0 &&hc->origfilename[strlen( hc->origfilename ) - 1] != '/' )
 send_dirredirect( hc );
 return -1;
 /* Check for an index file. */
 for ( i = 0; i < sizeof(index_names) / sizeof(char*); ++i )
#ifdef JI_DEBUG
 printf("check index file\n");
 httpd_realloc_str(&indexname, &maxindexname,expnlen + 1 + strlen( index_names[i] ) );
 (void) strcpy( indexname, hc->expnfilename );
 indxlen = strlen( indexname );
 * 在indexname后面添加/字符
 if ( indxlen == 0 || indexname[indxlen - 1] != '/' )
 (void) strcat( indexname, "/" );
 * 设置indexname的第一个值为空字符
 if ( strcmp( indexname, "./" ) == 0 )
 indexname[0] = '\0';
 (void) strcat( indexname, index_names[i] );
 if ( stat( indexname, &hc->sb ) >= 0 )
#ifdef JI_DEBUG
 printf("goto _one\n");
 goto got_one;
 /* Nope, no index file, so it's an actual directory request. */
 /* Directories must be readable for indexing. */
 if ( ! ( hc->sb.st_mode & S_IROTH ) )
 "%.80s URL \"%.80s\" tried to index a directory with indexing disabled",
 httpd_ntoa( &hc->client_addr ), hc->encodedurl );
 hc, 403, err403title, "",
 ERROR_FORM( err403form, "The requested URL '%.80s' resolves to a directory that has indexing disabled.\n" ),
 hc->encodedurl );
 return -1;
#ifdef AUTH_FILE
 /* Check authorization for this directory. */
 if ( auth_check( hc, hc->expnfilename ) == -1 )
 return -1;
#endif /* AUTH_FILE */
 /* Referrer check. */
 if ( ! check_referrer( hc ) )
 return -1;
 /* Ok, generate an index. */
 return ls( hc );
 syslog(LOG_INFO, "%.80s URL \"%.80s\" tried to index a directory",httpd_ntoa( &hc->client_addr ), hc->encodedurl );
 httpd_send_err(hc, 403, err403title, "",ERROR_FORM( err403form, "The requested URL '%.80s' is a directory, and directory indexing is disabled on this server.\n" ),hc->encodedurl );
 return -1;
 got_one: ;
 /* Got an index file. Expand symlinks again. More pathinfo means
 ** something went wrong.
 cp = expand_symlinks( indexname, &pi, hc->hs->no_symlink_check, hc->tildemapped );
 if ( cp == (char*) 0 || pi[0] != '\0' )
 httpd_send_err( hc, 500, err500title, "", err500form, hc->encodedurl );
 return -1;
 expnlen = strlen( cp );
 httpd_realloc_str( &hc->expnfilename, &hc->maxexpnfilename, expnlen );
 (void) strcpy( hc->expnfilename, cp );
 /* Now, is the index version world-readable or world-executable? */
 if ( ! ( hc->sb.st_mode & ( S_IROTH | S_IXOTH ) ) )
 "%.80s URL \"%.80s\" resolves to a non-world-readable index file",
 httpd_ntoa( &hc->client_addr ), hc->encodedurl );
 hc, 403, err403title, "",
 ERROR_FORM( err403form, "The requested URL '%.80s' resolves to an index file that is not world-readable.\n" ),
 hc->encodedurl );
 return -1;
#ifdef JI_DEBUG
 printf("This is file \n");
#ifdef AUTH_FILE
 /* Check authorization for this directory. */
 httpd_realloc_str( &dirname, &maxdirname, expnlen );
 (void) strcpy( dirname, hc->expnfilename );
 cp = strrchr( dirname, '/' );
 if ( cp == (char*) 0 )
 (void) strcpy( dirname, "." );
 *cp = '\0';
 if ( auth_check( hc, dirname ) == -1 )
 return -1;
 /* Check if the filename is the AUTH_FILE itself - that's verboten. */
 if ( expnlen == sizeof(AUTH_FILE) - 1 )
 if ( strcmp( hc->expnfilename, AUTH_FILE ) == 0 )
 "%.80s URL \"%.80s\" tried to retrieve an auth file",
 httpd_ntoa( &hc->client_addr ), hc->encodedurl );
 hc, 403, err403title, "",
 ERROR_FORM( err403form, "The requested URL '%.80s' is an authorization file, retrieving it is not permitted.\n" ),
 hc->encodedurl );
 return -1;
 else if ( expnlen >= sizeof(AUTH_FILE) &&strcmp( &(hc->expnfilename[expnlen - sizeof(AUTH_FILE) + 1]), AUTH_FILE ) == 0 &&hc->expnfilename[expnlen - sizeof(AUTH_FILE)] == '/' )
 syslog(LOG_NOTICE,"%.80s URL \"%.80s\" tried to retrieve an auth file",httpd_ntoa( &hc->client_addr ), hc->encodedurl );
 hc, 403, err403title, "",
 ERROR_FORM( err403form, "The requested URL '%.80s' is an authorization file, retrieving it is not permitted.\n" ),
 hc->encodedurl );
 return -1;
#endif /* AUTH_FILE */
 /* Referrer check. */
 if ( ! check_referrer( hc ) )
 return -1;
 /* Is it world-executable and in the CGI area? */
 if ( hc->hs->cgi_pattern != (char*) 0 &&( hc->sb.st_mode & S_IXOTH ) &&match( hc->hs->cgi_pattern, hc->expnfilename ) )
 return cgi( hc );
 /* It's not CGI. If it's executable or there's pathinfo, someone's
 ** trying to either serve or run a non-CGI file as CGI. Either case
 ** is prohibited.
 if ( hc->sb.st_mode & S_IXOTH )
 syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "%.80s URL \"%.80s\" is executable but isn't CGI",httpd_ntoa( &hc->client_addr ), hc->encodedurl );
 httpd_send_err(hc, 403, err403title, "",ERROR_FORM( err403form, "The requested URL '%.80s' resolves to a file which is marked executable but is not a CGI file; retrieving it is forbidden.\n" ),hc->encodedurl );
 return -1;
 if ( hc->pathinfo[0] != '\0' )
 syslog(LOG_INFO, "%.80s URL \"%.80s\" has pathinfo but isn't CGI",httpd_ntoa( &hc->client_addr ), hc->encodedurl );
 httpd_send_err(hc, 403, err403title, "",ERROR_FORM( err403form, "The requested URL '%.80s' resolves to a file plus CGI-style pathinfo, but the file is not a valid CGI file.\n" ),hc->encodedurl );
 return -1;
 if ( hc->method != METHOD_GET && hc->method != METHOD_HEAD )
 httpd_send_err(hc, 501, err501title, "", err501form, httpd_method_str( hc->method ) );
 return -1;
 /* Fill in last_byte_index, if necessary. */
 if ( hc->got_range &&( hc->last_byte_index == -1 || hc->last_byte_index >= hc->sb.st_size ) )
 hc->last_byte_index = hc->sb.st_size - 1;
 figure_mime( hc );
 if ( hc->method == METHOD_HEAD )
 send_mime(hc, 200, ok200title, hc->encodings, "", hc->type, hc->sb.st_size,hc->sb.st_mtime );
 else if ( hc->if_modified_since != (time_t) -1 &&hc->if_modified_since >= hc->sb.st_mtime )
 send_mime(hc, 304, err304title, hc->encodings, "", hc->type, (off_t) -1,hc->sb.st_mtime );
 hc->file_address = mmc_map( hc->expnfilename, &(hc->sb), nowP );
 if ( hc->file_address == (char*) 0 )
 httpd_send_err( hc, 500, err500title, "", err500form, hc->encodedurl );
 return -1;
 send_mime(hc, 200, ok200title, hc->encodings, "", hc->type, hc->sb.st_size,hc->sb.st_mtime );
 return 0;

