

nes编程系列翻译 ——ASM篇(主要手册-颜色着色精灵和第二个应用)



在把一些图像放到屏幕上之前,你首先需要设置颜色着色板。这里有两个着色板,每个16字节。一个着色板被当作背景使用,另外一个当作精灵使用。在着色板的字节对应到在NES中能显示的64个颜色之一。 $0D是一个坏的颜色,不应该被使用。这些颜色不是太精确,在模拟器和TV上将找到不同颜色。


LDA $2002 ; 读PPU状态 去设置高/低门闩到高

LDA #$3F

STA $2006 ; 写$3F10高字节

LDA #$10

STA $2006 ; 写$3F10低字节


LDA #$32 ; 作为亮蓝色代码

STA $2007 ; 写到PPU的$3F10

LDA #$14 ; 作为桃色代码

STA $2007 ; 写到PPU的$3F11

LDA #$2A ; 作为绿色代码

STA $2007 ; 写到PPU的$3F12

LDA #$16 ; 作为红色代码

STA $2007 ; 写到PPU的$3F13



.db $0F,$31,$32,$33,$34,$35,$36,$37,$38,$39,$3A,$3B,$0F,$3D,$3E,$0F ; 背景着色数据

.db $0F,$1c,$15,$14,$0F,$02,$38,$3C,$0F,$1C,$15,$14,$0F,$02,$38,$3C ; 精灵着色数据


LDX #$00 ; 开始于0


LDA PaletteData, x ; 从地址加载数据(PaletteData + x的值)

; 第一次循环将加载PaletteData + 0

; 第二次循环将加载PaletteData + 1

; 第三次循环将加载PaletteData + 2

; 等等

STA $2007 ; 写到PPU

INX ; x = x + 1

CPX #$20 ; 比较X和十六进制20,十进制32

BNE LoadPalettersLoop ; 分支到LoadPalettesLoop 如果比较不相等于0

; 如果比较等于32,保持继续向下






LDA #$00

STA $2003 ; 设置RAM地址的低字节

LDA #$02

STA $4014 ; 设置RAM地址的高字节,开始转换




1 - Y 位置 精灵在屏幕上的垂直位置。$00 是在屏幕的顶部。一些$EF上面是屏幕的关闭按钮。

2 - 纹理数 - 从模式作为图形被代入的纹理数目(0到256)

3 - 属性 - 这个字节拥有颜色和显示信息:

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

| | | | |

| | | + + - 精灵颜色着色板. 从16个颜色中选择哪4个字节被使用

| | |

| | + - - - - - - 优先级(0:在背景前面; 1:在背景后面)

| + - - - - - - - 水平翻转精灵

+ - - - - - - - --垂直翻转精灵

4 - X 位置 - 在屏幕上的水平位置。 $00是在左边,其余些在$F9上面的都在屏幕外面




PPUCTRL ($2000)

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

| | | | | | |

| | | | | + + - 名称表的基地址

| | | | | (0 = $2000; 1 = $2400; 2 = $2800; 3 = $2C00)

| | | | + - - - 每次CPU读/写PPUDATA,增加VRAM地址

| | | | (0:每个加1,穿过; 1:每次增加32,下降)

| | | + - - - - 作为8*8精灵的精灵模式表地址(0:$0000; 1:$1000)

| | + - - - - - 背景模式表地址(0:$0000; 1:$1000)

| + - - - - - - 精灵大小(0:8*8; 1:8*16)

+ - - - - - - - - 生成一个NMI在垂直空白内部的vlank的开始(0:关闭,1:打开)


LDA #$80

STA $0200 ; 把精灵0放在屏幕垂直的中间位置

STA $0203 ; 把精灵0放在屏幕水平的中间位置

LDA #$00

STA $0201 ; 纹理号 = 0

STA $0202 ; 颜色着色板 = 0, 没有翻转

LDA #%10000000 ;开启NMI, 精灵来自模式表0

STA $2000

LDA #%00010000 ; 没有增强(白色背景),开启精灵

STA $2001


下载并解压sprites.zip样例文件。上面所有的代码都在sprites.asm文件里,确保制作sprites.asm,mario.chr,和sprites.bat 所有这些文件在相同的文件夹NESASM3中,然后双击sprites.bat.然后运行NESASM3,将产出一个sprites.nes文件。在FCEUXD SP中运行NES文件去看你的精灵。纹理号0是Mario的头和帽子的背部,你可以看见么?编辑sprites.asm去改变sprite的位置(0到255),或者去改变精灵(0到3)的颜色着色表。你可以在FCEUXD SP种查看PPU的视图去查看两个模式板和两个着色板。





LDA $2002

LDA #$3F

STA $2006

LDA #$10

STA $2006









This Week: now that you can make and run a program, time to put something on screen!


Before putting any graphics on screen, you first need to set the color palette. There are two separate palettes, each 16 bytes. One palette is used for the background, and the other for sprites. The byte in the palette corresponds to one of the 64 base colors the NES can display. $0D is a bad color and should not be used. These colors are not exact and will look different on emulators and TVs.

The palettes start at PPU address $3F00 and $3F10. To set this address, PPU address port $2006 is used. This port must be written twice, once for the high byte then for the low byte:

LDA $2002 ; read PPU status to reset the high/low latch to high

LDA #$3F

STA $2006 ; write the high byte of $3F10 address

LDA #$10

STA $2006 ; write the low byte of $3F10 address

That code tells the PPU to set its address to $3F10. Now the PPU data port at $2007 is ready to accept data. The first write will go to the address you set ($3F10), then the PPU will automatically increment the address ($3F11, $3F12, $3F13) after each read or write. You can keep writing data and it will keep incrementing. This sets the first 4 colors in the palette:

LDA #$32 ;code for light blueish

STA $2007 ;write to PPU $3F10

LDA #$14 ;code for pinkish

STA $2007 ;write to PPU $3F11

LDA #$2A ;code for greenish

STA $2007 ;write to PPU $3F12

LDA #$16 ;code for redish

STA $2007 ;write to PPU $3F13

You would continue to do writes to fill out the rest of the palette. Fortunately there is a smaller way to write all that code. First you can use the .db directive to store data bytes:


.db $0F,$31,$32,$33,$0F,$35,$36,$37,$0F,$39,$3A,$3B,$0F,$3D,$3E,$0F ;background palette data

.db $0F,$1C,$15,$14,$0F,$02,$38,$3C,$0F,$1C,$15,$14,$0F,$02,$38,$3C ;sprite palette data

Then a loop is used to copy those bytes to the palette in the PPU. The X register is used as an index into the palette, and used to count how many times the loop has repeated. You want to copy both palettes at once which is 32 bytes, so the loop starts at 0 and counts up to 32.

LDX #$00 ; start out at 0


LDA PaletteData, x ; load data from address (PaletteData + the value in x)

; 1st time through loop it will load PaletteData+0

; 2nd time through loop it will load PaletteData+1

; 3rd time through loop it will load PaletteData+2

; etc

STA $2007 ; write to PPU

INX ; X = X + 1

CPX #$20 ; Compare X to hex $20, decimal 32

BNE LoadPalettesLoop ; Branch to LoadPalettesLoop if compare was Not Equal to zero

; if compare was equal to 32, keep going down

Once that code finishes, the full color palette is ready. One byte or the whole thing can be changed while your program is running.


Anything that moves separately from the background will be made of sprites. A sprite is just an 8x8 pixel tile that the PPU renders anywhere on the screen. Generally objects are made from multiple sprites next to each other. Examples would be Mario and any of the enemies like Goombas and Bowser. The PPU has enough internal memory for 64 sprites. This memory is separate from all other video memory and cannot be expanded.

Sprite DMA

The fastest and easiest way to transfer your sprites to the sprite memory is using DMA (direct memory access). This just means a block of RAM is copied from CPU memory to the PPU sprite memory. The on board RAM space from $0200-02FF is usually used for this purpose. To start the transfer, two bytes need to be written to the PPU ports:

LDA #$00

STA $2003 ; set the low byte (00) of the RAM address

LDA #$02

STA $4014 ; set the high byte (02) of the RAM address, start the transfer

Once the second write is done the DMA transfer will start automatically. All data for the 64 sprites will be copied. Like all graphics updates, this needs to be done at the beginning of the VBlank period, so it will go in the NMI section of your code.

Sprite Data

Each sprite needs 4 bytes of data for its position and tile information in this order:

1 - Y Position - vertical position of the sprite on screen. $00 is the top of the screen. Anything above $EF is off the bottom of the screen.

2 - Tile Number - this is the tile number (0 to 256) for the graphic to be taken from a Pattern Table.

3 - Attributes - this byte holds color and displaying information:


||| ||

||| ++- Color Palette of sprite. Choose which set of 4 from the 16 colors to use


||+------ Priority (0: in front of background; 1: behind background)

|+------- Flip sprite horizontally

+-------- Flip sprite vertically

4 - X Position - horizontal position on the screen. $00 is the left side, anything above $F9 is off screen.

Those 4 bytes repeat 64 times (one set per sprite) to fill the 256 bytes of sprite memory. If you want to edit sprite 0, you change bytes $0200-0203. Sprite 1 is $0204-0207, sprite 2 is $0208-020B, etc

Turning NMI/Sprites On

The PPU port $2001 is used again to enable sprites. Setting bit 4 to 1 will make them appear. NMI also needs to be turned on, so the Sprite DMA will run and the sprites will be copied every frame. This is done with the PPU port $2000. The Pattern Table 0 is also selected to choose sprites from. Background will come from Pattern Table 1 when that is added later.

PPUCTRL ($2000)


| ||||||

| ||||++- Base nametable address

| |||| (0 = $2000; 1 = $2400; 2 = $2800; 3 = $2C00)

| |||+--- VRAM address increment per CPU read/write of PPUDATA

| ||| (0: increment by 1, going across; 1: increment by 32, going down)

| ||+---- Sprite pattern table address for 8x8 sprites (0: $0000; 1: $1000)

| |+----- Background pattern table address (0: $0000; 1: $1000)

| +------ Sprite size (0: 8x8; 1: 8x16)


+-------- Generate an NMI at the start of the

vertical blanking interval vblank (0: off; 1: on)

And the new code to set up the sprite data:

LDA #$80

STA $0200 ;put sprite 0 in center ($80) of screen vertically

STA $0203 ;put sprite 0 in center ($80) of screen horizontally

LDA #$00

STA $0201 ;tile number = 0

STA $0202 ;color palette = 0, no flipping

LDA #%10000000 ; enable NMI, sprites from Pattern Table 0

STA $2000

LDA #%00010000 ; no intensify (black background), enable sprites

STA $2001

Putting It All Together

Download and unzip the sprites.zip sample files. All the code above is in the sprites.asm file. Make sure sprites.asm, mario.chr, and sprites.bat are all in the same folder as NESASM3, then double click sprites.bat. That will run NESASM3 and should produce the sprites.nes file. Run that NES file in FCEUXD SP to see your sprite! Tile number 0 is the back of Mario's head and hat, can you see it? Edit sprites.asm to change the sprite position (0 to 255), or to change the color palette for the sprite (0 to 3). You can choose the PPU viewer in FCEUXD SP to see both Pattern Tables, and both Palettes.

