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"Ping Xue (26):Matlab learning three-dimensional graphs and common functions(2)"

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一、思维导图Mind mapping

二、三维图的绘制Drawing of three-dimensional diagrams


1. surf() 函数的使用(The use of surf())

surf() 是 MATLAB中用于绘制三维表面图的一个重要函数。它能够根据给定的数据集创建一个三维曲面。以下是该函数用法示例:

surf() is an important function in MATLAB for plotting 3D surfaces. It is capable of creating a 3D surface based on a given data set. The following is an example of the usage of this function:

2. surfc() 函数的使用(The use of surf())

surfc() 是 MATLAB 中的一个函数,用于绘制三维表面图,并在表面下方绘制等高线图。它结合了 surf() 函数的三维表面图和 contour() 函数的二维等高线图的功能。以下是该函数用法示例:

surfc() is a function in MATLAB that plots a three-dimensional surface map with a contour map below the surface. It combines the capabilities of the surf() function for 3D surface plots and the contour() function for 2D contour plots. The following is an example of how to use this function:

3. mesh()函数的使用(The use of mesh())

mesh() 是 MATLAB 中用于绘制三维网格图的函数。它可以用来显示三维空间中的数据点,并用线连接这些点形成网格结构。这有助于直观地展示数据的分布和趋势。以下是该函数用法示例:

mesh() is a function used in MATLAB to draw 3D mesh diagrams. It can be used to display data points in 3D space and connect these points with lines to form a grid structure. This helps to visualize the distribution and trends of the data. The following is an example of the usage of this function:

4. meshc()函数的使用(The use of meshc())

meshc() 函数在 MATLAB 中用于绘制三维网格图,并在网格图的底部同时绘制等高线图。这种类型的图表可以帮助观察者更好地理解数据的分布和形状。以下是该函数用法示例:

The meshc() function is used in MATLAB to draw a three-dimensional grid chart with a contour plot at the bottom of the grid at the same time. This type of graph helps the observer to better understand the distribution and shape of the data. The following is an example of the usage of this function:

5. waterfall()函数的使用(The use of waterfall())

waterfall() 函数在 MATLAB 中用于创建一种称为“瀑布图”的三维图形。瀑布图类似于三维条形图,但它的表现形式更像是从一个方向展开的条形图,可以用来展示二维数组中的数据变化趋势。以下是该函数用法示例:

The waterfall() function is used in MATLAB to create a three-dimensional graph called a waterfall chart. A waterfall graph is similar to a three-dimensional bar graph, but it is more like a bar graph that unfolds in one direction, and can be used to show trends in a two-dimensional array of data. The following is an example of how to use this function:

6. fsurf()函数的使用(The use of fsurf())

fsurf() 函数是 MATLAB 中的一个非常有用的函数,用于绘制三维曲面图。它接受一个数学表达式作为输入,并自动计算出一个相应的三维表面图。这个函数非常适合于可视化复杂的数学函数,尤其是那些不容易手动设置网格数据的函数。以下是该函数用法示例:

The fsurf() function is a very useful function in MATLAB for plotting 3D surface maps. It accepts a mathematical expression as input and automatically computes a corresponding 3D surface plot. This function is great for visualizing complex mathematical functions, especially those where it is not easy to set up the mesh data manually. Below is an example of the usage of this function:

7. contour3()函数的使用(The use of contour3())

contour3() 函数在 MATLAB 中用于绘制三维空间中的等高线图(或称为三维轮廓图)。与 contour() 不同的是,contour3() 可以直接在三维坐标系中展示数据,使得等高线的可视化更加直观。以下是该函数用法示例:

The contour3() function is used in MATLAB to draw contour plots (or 3D contour plots) in 3D space. Unlike contour(), contour3() displays the data directly in the 3D coordinate system, making the visualization of contours more intuitive. The following is an example of the usage of this function:






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文字 | Ping

排版 | Ping

审核 | yyz

