

江苏牛津7B Unit 6 Task 重点短语


1.She didn’t know what to do.做什么

cp. She didn’t know how to do it.

类似:I don't know which one/pair to choose.

I don't know when to have a meeting.

2.It tasted sweet. sweet甜的 a.

*taste sweet / good / nice taste系动词,尝起来

*smell bad 闻起来

*sound good听起来

*feel well/ill

还有:turn +形容词

eg.Her face turned red

get +形容词

eg.It is getting darker and darker

cp.have a good taste

taste 名词,味道 用法同smell

3.drink some more 又喝了一点

* two more minutes=another two minutes

4.Then she felt a little ill 感到有点不舒服

*a liitle +形容词原形

cp.a little bit +adj.

*a little(一点儿,少许)+不可数名词 time / food / watera little

a little water=some water

cp.a few(一点,少许)+可数名词 apples

a few books=some books

*a bit of +名词 English

cp. a little(小的) cat

eg.There ___(be)a little sheep.

There ___(be) a few sheep.

*a little +比较级 better

*eat little 几乎不吃

*drink a little喝了一点点

cp.Thanks a lot/very much.

learn a lot/much about…

cp.a lot of water=lots of water=much water

a lot of books=lots of books=many books

*less than不足,少于

*at least至少

5.Her body became smaller and smaler

*become smaller and smaller 变得越来越小

become开始变得,变成 linking v.

become +形容词

cp. more and more important/ beautiful(多音节)

eg.healthier and healthier

more and more healthily

6.Soon Alice was small enough 足够小 to go through the door.

*enough足够地,充分地 ad.


eg.She is small enough to go through the door

He is tall enough to reach the door

(修饰名词)enough water

enough students

7.so she decided to enter the garden 决定进到花园里

decide决定 vt.,vi

*decide (not) to do决定(不)做某事

*enter进入 vt.=go into

(名词)entrance 入口(to...)

8.When she walked towards the door,she forgot about the key.

*towards朝,向 prep.

*forget忘记 vi

forget to do忘记去做(未做)

forget doing忘记做了(已做)

9.but she was too small to reach the key 太小而够不着钥匙

*too … to … 太……而不能

She is too young to go to school.

=She is so young that he can’t go to school.

=She isn’t old enough to go to school.

*reach 伸手(脚)够得着 vt.

cp.到达(同get to或arrive in / at)

eg.reach the park= get to the park=arrive at the park

10.She tried to climb up, but failed.

*climb爬,攀登 vt.,vi.

eg.It’s dangerous ____(climb) alone.

*fail失败 vi.,vt

fail to do sth

eg.He failed the exam.

=He failed to pass the exam

=He didn’t pass the exam

