


Examples of Self-Expression


Everywhere you look you can see examples of self-expression. This may sound like an exaggeration, but it’s not—people around you are expressing themselves every day in many ways, all you need to do is look for it.


Common ways that people in your life might express themselves include:


? Sharing details about their day and how it made them feel.


? Wearing an off-trend or outdated item of clothing, not to be cool and unique, but just because they like it.


? Playing guitar on the street without a hat, cup, or other container set up to take donations.


? Yelling to express their frustration about traffic or other hindrances to getting from A to B.


? Employing body language (either consciously or unconsciously) that tells you exactly how someone feels about him- or her-self, whether it’s tall and proud, slumped and defeated, or anywhere in between.


If you were so inclined, I’m sure you could come up with a list of 100 acts of expression that you saw in the last week alone. That’s probably not necessary—I’m sure you have a good grasp on what self-expression is—but it’s important to be reminded how often people share themselves with us and how often we have the opportunity to share ourselves with others in our daily lives.


How to Improve Self-Expression Skills


As with most skills, the best way to improve your self-expression skills is to practice them! Self-expression skills include—but are not limited to—the following:


· Speaking

· Writing

· Body language

· Artistic endeavors (creating music, dancing, etc.)



Author and student learning guru John Ramos agrees; in an answer to the question and answer forum Quora, he provides the following pieces of advice (2016):

作家与学生教导巨匠 John Ramos 在著名问答网站Quora中的一篇回答中,提出了以下建议:

1. Write (almost) everyday… It forces you to find the right words and expressions to convey your message.

2. Emulate your favorite authors’ styles. (Note: you could also emulate your favorite poets, dancers, orators, musicians, etc.).

3. Never lose a chance to speak in public.

4. Apply winning formulas (particularly for public speaking, as there are many tricks and “secret weapons” to help you succeed).

1. (几乎)每天写作。这会强迫你去寻找合适的词汇与语句来传达你的信息。

2. 模仿你最爱的作者的风格(注意:你还可以模仿你最喜欢的诗人、舞蹈家、演说家、音乐家等)

3. 不要放弃任何在公开场合说话或演讲的机会。

4. 应用一些成功方法(尤其是在公开演说方面,在这一方面有很多诀窍和“秘密武器”帮助你成功)

All of the exercises, techniques, activities, and strategies listed below will give you great opportunities to practice your own self-expression skills!


Techniques for Developing Self-Expression


Martha Graham:

“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.”



For Children/培养孩子自我表达能力

Peggy Schmidt from Scholastic Parents proposes the following 7 strategies (and several techniques to implement these strategies) to encourage a child to build their self-expression skills:

关于如何培养孩子的自我表达技巧,来自 Scholastic Parents 的 Peggy Schmidt 提出了以下7种策略(和策略具体执行方法):


Teach your child to interpret spoken and body language.

a. Look at photographs of people expressing different emotions and discuss them.

b. Cut out a cardboard frame to act as a “mirror” and have your child(ren) mimic your expression and identify it.

c. Use everyday situations in your home to reinforce these lessons.

d. Make a game of identifying the emotions that go with a particular tone of voice.


a. 观看不同情绪之人的照片,然后讨论他们。

b. 用纸板箱剪出一个框,当做镜子,然后让孩子模仿你的表情,然后说出你的表情的名字。

c. 在家中,利用日常场景,强化这些练习。

d. 找出与特定语调配套的表情,把这当成一个游戏。


Reinforce the concept of “personal space” by encouraging your child to:

a. Stay at arm’s length when he or she is talking to someone.

b. Make sure there’s space between him or her and other children when sitting together.

c. Avoid hugging someone he or she doesn’t know well.

d. Refrain from intruding on another child’s space by touching, pinching, or physically annoying him or her.


a. 当他/她与其他人说话时,应保持一臂的距离。

b. 当与其他孩子坐在一起时,确保互相之间存在一定距离。

c. 对于不是很熟悉的人,不要拥抱。

d. 不要通过触摸、捏或其他令对方讨厌的动作来侵犯另一个孩子的空间。


Explain the meaning of idiomatic expressions (explain jokes, idioms, puns, “turns of phrases,” etc.).



Work on the art of conversation.

a. Initiate conversations with your child, particularly when there are no salient distractions around.

b. When you don’t understand something your child says, ask your child what he or she means.

c. Encourage your child to ask you questions and respond attentively to them.

d. Make good eye contact and ask your child to do the same.

e. Encourage your child to stay in control of his or her body when he is talking—no fidgeting or squirming!

f. Work at having successively longer conversations as he or she gets better at self-expression.

g. Have conversations with your child about things beyond routine, everyday stuff.


a. 主动与孩子谈话,尤其当周围没有明显的会分散注意力的事物时。

b. 当孩子说的话你不懂时,问孩子什么意思。

c. 鼓励孩子向你问问题,并认真向孩子回答。

d. 保持良好的眼神接触,同时也要求孩子这样做。

e. 鼓励孩子在说话过程中控制自己的肢体动作——不要扭来扭去动来动去。

f. 当孩子在自我表达方面有进步后,尝试接下来延长谈话的时间。

g. 与孩子谈论一些日常常规事物之外的事物。


Model behavior that teaches the smart way to ask for help or a favor.

a. Explain what the favor is.

b. Rehearse what you’re going to say when you ask for the favor.

c. Have your child listen to your conversation.


a. 解释具体需要帮助的事项。

b. 演示寻求帮助时候所说的话。

c. 让孩子仔细听你所说的话。


Demonstrate the power of “please” and “thank you” as more than just good manners, but excellent tools.



Teach your child how to listen and follow directions.

a. Get his or her attention through touch as well as your voice.

b. Be specific about what you want him or her to do.

c. Check for understanding when you ask your child to do something.

d. Compliment your child on following the directions and successfully completing the task (Schmidt, 2001).


a. 通过触摸和声音,让孩子将注意力集中到你身上。

b. 明确告诉孩子你想让她/他做什么。

c. 当你给出孩子任务时,检查孩子的理解程度。

d. 当孩子遵从指令,成功完成任务时,表扬孩子。


For Pre-teens and Teens


Follow these 10 tips from the Scholastic Parents Staff to encourage self-expression in your pre-teens and teens:

对于提升十岁左右孩子的自我表达技巧,Scholastic Parents 的员工给出了以下十项建议:

1. Encourage your child to dance to express him- or herself (a dance-focused video game might be helpful here).


2. Help your child design a website or blog to share his or her thoughts and feelings with family and friends, or include your child in the process of writing a family newsletter.


3. Do a creative and expressive craft with your child, like creating jewelry or painting something without any constraints.


4. Celebrate your child’s style by allowing him or her to dress however they’d like (given that it’s age-appropriate).


5. Support your child engaging in sports, whether solo sports, team sports, or both.


6. Encourage your child to mentor younger children to practice their own skills and do a good deed.


7. Give your child a camera and let him or her snap away!


8. Get outdoors and do a nature-oriented activity together (e.g., take a walk, go for a hike, do some gardening).


9. Ask your child to take you on a guided tour of his or her classroom, the library, or somewhere else he or she spends a lot of time.


10. Help your child make a video documentary about him- or herself, including their current likes and dislikes, strengths, interests, and passions (Eulberg, n.d.).



For grownups/培养成人自我表达能力

If you’re looking for techniques to enhance your own self-expression skills, there are some helpful general tips that can give you some guidance. Give these six tips a try:




· Speak your truth in the moment. Instead of looking back on a conversation and wishing you had been more honest and authentic. Promise yourself to speak your truth when the opportunity arises, but make sure to speak it with love and kindness.




· Widely define yourself. As psychiatrist Thomas Szasz notes, “…the self is not something that one finds. It is something that one creates.” Make sure that your definitions aren’t overly narrow or limiting and keep yourself open to new experiences, talents, interests, passions, and opportunities.

宽泛定义自己。精神学家 Thomas Szasz 说道,“真正的自己,不是一成不变的,而是可以被创造的。”确保你对自己的定义不会太狭隘、太有局限性。让自己对新体验、才能、兴趣、热爱和机会保持开放态心态。



· Engage in creative techniques. Use techniques that harness your creativity to expand your potential and enhance your life. Try keeping a daily journal in which you write about whatever comes to mind, keeping an idea book that you carry with you all the time, creating mind maps to help you problem-solve, practicing brainstorming, and creating vision boards to motivate you to follow your dreams.




· Acquire self-knowledge – Know who you are. Don’t let yourself get too caught up in all of life’s little worries; take a break from your daily grind once in a while and assess your life and your feelings about it. Use introspection and reflection to make sure you never become a stranger to yourself.




· Pursue wants and passions voraciously. If your passions and dreams have become victims to the day-to-day stressors, dedicate yourself to keeping them off the metaphorical “backburner.” Make time to pursue your dreams and feed your passions—you won’t regret it!




· Develop a keen sense of reality. Your head may venture into the clouds, but your feet should stay firmly on the ground; keep in touch with reality and face your disappointments, setbacks, and unpleasant experiences head-on.


These are somewhat general tips, but truly committing to them will help you become the master of your own self-expression. For some more specific, practical ideas on improving your self-expression, read on.


Activities to Increase Self-Expression for Adults


Aside from trying some of the suggestions and techniques listed above, you may want to try some exercises and activities designed to enhance your self-expressiveness.


General Ideas/常规方法

Criss Jami:

“Everyone has their own ways of expression. I believe we all have a lot to say, but finding ways to say it is more than half the battle.”


To work on improving your capacity for self-expression and encourage your practice of being authentically you, you may find this impressively long list of 75 group activities from the Expressive Therapist website helpful. It includes activities like:

为提升自身的自我表达能力,鼓励自己练习成为真正的自己,你可能会觉得 Expressive Therapist 网站给出的一个包含多达75项活动的清单非常有用。这其中包括:

Inner Child:

Draw yourself as a child on your paper. Add images and words to give this child everything that it needs, including a supportive nurturing parent.


Inside – Outside Bags/Boxes:

Decorate a bag or box with images and words on the outside to represent the qualities you show to the world. Decorate the inside of the bag or box with images and words that represent the inner qualities that are hidden to most people.


Inspired Poem

Think of a quote that is meaningful to you and write it at the top of a piece of paper. (A list can be found at http://www.goodreads.com/quotes) Add your own lines below it that expand on the quote in the way you understand it – continue for the rest of the page. Find someone in the group to read your poem for you as you use movement or gesture to express the meaning of your poem.


Four Elements of You: Discussion:

Passion gives us the will to live and gives shape to our lives.

Fold your paper into four sections. Label each section, The Earth of Me, The Air of Me, The Fire of Me, and The Water of Me. Use image and color to express your passion in life as symbolized by the four elements.你的四大元素:讨论:热爱之物,让我们愿意生活下去,同时也塑造着我们的生活。


Bardic Circle:

Sitting in a circle, everyone takes a turn sharing something with the group, such as performing a song, a dance, a poem, a joke, or an interesting fact, or teaching a new skill. Everyone is encouraged to be supportive and attentive when others share.


As a part of your recovery/作为你恢复过程的一部分

If you’re working your way through addiction, rehabilitation, recovery, or perhaps even striving towards post-traumatic growth, these activities from Summit Behavioral Health might help:

如果你正在努力克服某种瘾症,正在戒除过程或恢复过程之中,或是甚至是想要在遭受创伤之后自我成长,Summit Behavioral Health 推荐的以下活动可能会有帮助:

1. Listen to music to help you identify your feelings; if you are in a group, share out what you learned.


2. Take a mindful walk (stay aware of yourself and your surroundings, make observations about your environment, and avoid judgment as much as possible).


3. Write a new ending to a previous event, particularly an event that involved conflict, bad decisions, or mistakes on your part. This will help you learn how to make better choices and stay more optimistic.


4. Build, create, or restore something to encourage yourself on your own journey toward a healthier, happier you.


5. Create a visual journal using signs, symbols, drawings, or anything else to express your feelings aside from words (2015).


In the workplace/工作场合

If you’re interested in enhancing your self-expression specifically in the workplace, Judith Glaser has some great suggestions (2016):

对于工作场合的自我表达技巧提升,Judith Glaser 提出以下有效建议:

1. Kick off a meeting by asking people to share a recent personal story and a business story that they are enthusiastic or excited about.


2. Complete the “What I Respect About You and What I Need From You” exercise to get to know your team better and identify strengths, needs, likes and dislikes, and how to avoid certain pitfalls with your colleagues.


3. Collect your team’s success stories and publish them in a book, pamphlet, or brochure.


4. Publish your organization’s success stories on your company intranet and solicit advice and suggestions from your organization’s members on how to achieve future success.



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