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Today, the editor brings the Matlab drawing learning and sharing.

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1 内容摘要(Content summary)


This article will share the editor's process of learning Matlab drawing. This time I will learn the basic operations of Matlab and the basic drawing methods of two-dimensional and three-dimensional graphics.

2 思维导图(Mind mapping)

3 正文(Text)

3.1 Matlab入门学习(Matlab entry learning)


The editor first followed the teaching and learned some basic introductory operations of Matlab, making preliminary preparations for learning Matlab drawing later. During this period, some useful functions and operations have been learned, which will be displayed below.

(1) Matlab可以进行矩阵的运算,分别给x和y赋值一个矩阵,利用运算符号便可进行计算。

(1) Matlab can perform matrix operations, assign a matrix to x and y respectively, and use operation symbols to perform calculations.


The knowledge learned here is: The matrix can be represented by separating the numbers with a semicolon in the brackets. Entering a semicolon after each command can prevent the output of the command from being displayed in the command line window. When performing matrix multiplication, add a "." after the previous variable to perform multiplication of relative position numbers in the matrix instead of matrix multiplication in traditional mathematics.

(2) 可点击Matlab主页菜单栏中的新建脚本选项来构建脚本,脚本可以将多条代码封装起来,点击运行后得出最终结果。

(2) You can click the New Script option in the menu bar of the Matlab home page to build a script. The script can encapsulate multiple codes, and the final result can be obtained after clicking Run.


The knowledge learned here is: The input() function allows the user to input a number and assign it to a variable, which improves the script interactivity. The fprintf() function can output a string of characters to make the result more beautiful. \n means newline. %f means a floating-point number that can take a decimal. %g means a real number.

(3) 使用if函数可进行判断,从而跳过一些代码的执行。

(3) The if function can be used to judge, thereby skipping the execution of some codes.


The knowledge learned here is: Elseif is an extension of the if statement, which is used to handle the judgment of more than two results. To judge whether a number is equal to 0, use two equal signs. sqrt() means the root sign. Or use "||" to indicate.

(4) while函数表示循环,在条件成立的情况下循环执行一定的代码。

(4) The while function represents a loop, and executes a certain code in a loop when the condition is true.


The knowledge learned here is: If the variable is not reassigned at the beginning, then the number will become larger and larger after repeated operations. disp() is also an output statement, which can output values with newlines. Not equal to use "~=" to express. mod() is used to take the quotient of dividing two numbers.

(5) for函数也用于表示循环。

(5) The for function is also used to represent loops.


The knowledge learned here is: In "i=2:1:8", the role of the colon is to make i, which is initially 2, increase by 1 each time, and finally add to 8. The value between the two colons is called the step size.

(6) function是Matlab内的自建函数,可以创建具有某种特定功能的函数,然后在其他函数中方便地调用。下面是自建函数及套用的过程,最终输出1-1000内所有质数。

(6) Function is a self-built function in Matlab, you can create a function with a specific function, and then call it conveniently in other functions. The following is the self-built function and the process of applying it, and finally output all prime numbers within 1-1000.


The lesson learned here is that using % is a convenient way to label each step of a function so you don't forget what it means.

3.2 Matlab绘图学习(Matlab drawing learning)

(1) plot()函数是用于绘制线图的函数,最简单的形式为plot(x,y),会将(x,y)看作坐标点绘制到图上。

(1) The plot() function is a function used to draw a line graph. The simplest form is plot(x,y), which will treat (x,y) as a coordinate point and draw it on the graph.


Setting the x step size to a small number when plotting can make the image smoother.

plot()函数中用单引号标记部分表示图像的格式,-表示实线,o表示关键点用o标记,green表示绿色,颜色也可用单个字母表示,如k表示黑色。hold on的加入使得一张图中可绘制多条曲线,axis equal可使x和y轴的单位长度相同。

The part marked with single quotes in the plot() function indicates the format of the image, - indicates a solid line, o indicates that key points are marked with o, green indicates green, and the color can also be expressed by a single letter, such as k indicates black. The addition of hold on allows multiple curves to be drawn in one graph, and axis equal makes the unit lengths of the x and y axes the same.


The plot3() function means to draw a three-dimensional image. After determining the number of key points of the two-dimensional image, it is necessary to determine the same number of key points on the z-axis.


Add a title to the image using the title() function, and add labels to the axes using xlabel() and ylabel() respectively.


Use the subplot() function to draw multiple pictures at different positions in the same window. The three numbers in the function represent how many rows and columns the window will be divided into and where the pictures will be drawn.

(2) surf()函数用于画三维图像中的一个面,利用meshgrid()函数找到平面内所有点后,即可绘制出一个曲面图像。

(2) The surf() function is used to draw a surface in a three-dimensional image. After finding all the points in the plane using the meshgrid() function, a surface image can be drawn.






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